Cultural heritage
to 2 Km in our area
The Gardens of Quercy
THE GARDENS OF QUERCY, in Midi-Pyrénées Close to Cordes sur Ciel, Najac, and St Antonin Noble Val Located in the Tarn et Garonne near Verfeil sur Seye, in a rural environment, with lovely views of the surrounding landscapes, this one-hectare garden has surprises in store for visitors who love plants and flowers. Indeed, on a gently sloping ground, easily accessible, there are different spaces or plant rooms created by two passionate amateurs. The white garden, the original vegetable garden in pots, the amphitheater, the undergrowth, the colored ""squares"", the intimate garden, the small contemporary cloister garden, the labyrinth, etc. and the latest addition, the Oriental/Indian garden, can be discovered as the walk progresses with the help of a document taken at the entrance, following a winding signposted route. These small and large gardens are separated by many hedges which gives the impression of changing the world by following the paths, paths and crossing well-kept lawns. Numerous trees including around thirty cypresses as well as tall conifers carved into topiaries structure these places full of poetry. The plants are placed in such a way that in English mixed-borders, the eye is always attracted by spots of color. Nothing is really left to chance to compose tables changing during the season. Visitors will discover unusual plants such as perennial geraniums, to be differentiated from the geraniums (actually pelargoniums) in our planters, which have the advantage of returning each year and presenting flowers that are often intense blue, unusual in the gardens. Each year hundreds of new vines are planted or renewed.Between May and September, you can admire, among other things, from horticultural garlic to the magnificent purple ball, various peonies, the 900 old and modern roses scattered in the flowerbeds, the delphiniums with their beautiful blue stems, the penstemons so delicate, the shimmering dahlias, the sages present in almost all beds, and the asters at the end of the season. Everywhere, at the corner of the paths, on the lawns, in the shade, benches and seats allow you to stop and observe nature. Indeed, due to the almost total absence of chemical products, this garden welcomes quantities of butterflies, insects and bees foraging in all these corollas offered. Ideas abound in these places where one of the objectives is to broaden the range of plants used in the region, with an educational aspect concerning the creation of flower beds. "Les Jardins de Quercy"" have obtained the ""Jardin Remarquable"" label awarded by the Ministry of Culture and of which only about twenty parks and gardens are holders in Midi-Pyrénées. It should be noted that the owners make a distinction between the parks mainly composed of beautiful old trees, quite common in the Midi-Pyrénées region, and the gardens which, on the British model, few in the region, mainly appeal to flowers and compositions. bold. This garden, which is part of the "Club des Sites" of Tarn et Garonne, offers you, during your visit, documentation on other nearby places worthy of interest.
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Cultural heritage
to 19.6 Km in our area
Châteaux de Bruniquel
Monument historique classé, magnifiquement situés sur un éperon rocheux, les châteaux de Bruniquel surveillent les vallées de l'Aveyron et de la Vère. Bruniquel, classé parmi les "plus beaux villages de France", fait partie du Grand Site Occitanie "Cordes sur ciel et cités médiévales". Une des particularités de Bruniquel est d'avoir deux châteaux bien distincts ayant appartenus à des familles rivales. Cette proximité sera l'objet de jalousie mais aussi source d'émulation pendant trois siècles. Déjà riche d'un passé préhistorique magdalénien, une grotte découverte en 1990 atteste la présence humaine depuis 176 500 ans, soit des Néandertaliens anciens. Un film et une exposition racontent cette aventure. Robert Enrico a choisi Bruniquel pour le tournage de son film "Le vieux fusil" avec Philippe Noiret et Romy Schneider. Une salle est consacrée à ce film mythique.
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Cultural activity
to 11.3 Km in our area
Royal Fortress of Najac
La Forteresse royale XIIème-XIIIème siècle est un exemple extraordinaire de défense militaire. Ce château fut mêlé activement aux luttes contre les cathares et à la guerre de cent ans. Son cachot servit de prison aux derniers templiers du Rouergue. Une formidable puissance : Témoin du génie architectural militaire du Moyen-Âge, l'extraordinaire puissance défensive du château est mise en évidence par une grande maquette. Le donjon abrite des archères de 6,80 m, uniques au monde. À mi-hauteur, la chapelle gothique, aux innombrables marques de compagnons, cache le passage secret du dernier refuge des Gouverneurs, avant d'accéder au panorama grandiose sur la cité de Najac. Document de visite disponible en plus de 15 langues différentes
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